Monday, April 23, 2012

Day of Learning

Yesterday was a day of Learning...both for personal and professional life scenarios...Started off with pretty usual things like getting up late…spending lots of time with mails etc…As decided yesterday, I called up Rekha pretty much to hear from her and give her some convincing replies on what went wrong between us…Lot of things we talked over and carefully not touching upon some of the serious issues. I pretty much tried to avoid giving explanations for any of the particular incidents. 

At the end of conversation, I made a comment saying I would like to come to Madiwala before she board the bus…and that’s when she told me that don’t mention anything of that sort…When you make a statement “I wanted to do something…but whatever reasons I couldn’t do the same”, it completely makes no sense to mention the same and when you repeat such statements quite often what comes to the people’s mind is only irritation rather than belief. The trust is lost next time when you mention something like I’ll do and people may start thinking that you would definitely come up with some reasons for not doing the same. That gave me a good lesson on the commitment. This clearly shows that I lack commitment in whatever I say and do. Our big boss GsOs goes like Do/Say should always be ONE. If this is less than ONE then that’s over-commitment and I see clearly that’s what is happening these days in both personal and professional sides...

Evening I had attended a panel discussion on the Disruptive Cost by Industry/academic big heads. Startled by their knowledge and the discussion points. The closing lines on the discussion by each of them on GE’s Business strategy meant a lot for me as well.
  • Technology is no longer the differentiator…Need to look for providing the solutions
  • Need to understand the Eco-system and the impact
  • Improve the comfort for the clients and be open and greeting
  • Execution of the bigger project with multiple resources is really challenging…but that’s a key to success.

I feel these above statements are true to any organization and to any aspiring individual as well. I think Yesterday was a day of LearningJ